
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tess = 4

[Disclaimer: the following post contains levels of parental pride and obsession with their offspring that might be nauseating to the general public]

At this time, four years ago, I was in labor.  I was thanking God for epidurals.  I was just a couple of hours away from delivering my precious first born daughter, Tessa Gwen.  She popped out of me (with the excruciating help of a massive foley catheter balloon and a substantial pitocin drip) at about 6:30pm on February 17th, 2007. 


8 lbs 3oz; 21 inches.  I remember staring at her from across the delivery room as she lay on the scale.  It's a strange thing, to see your child for the very first time.  Surreal, awestruck, hard to capture in a word.  I saw her and my first thought was that she looked like me.  All the details and preoccupations that had flooded my mind during my pregnancy suddenly vanished when she made her grand debut, when I first saw her precious face.

The years have flown by and now she is four--a big girl.  Although, it hasn't always gone quickly--on some days, life seemed to float by at a snail's pace--but now she's four, and I'm suddenly wondering where the time went.  That day in the delivery room seems like another lifetime.  I imagine this sensation will only become more and more pronounced as the years roll on.

Here is a photo tribute to my Tessa girl--some of my favorite photos taken of her over the past four years...

About six months old.

Chillin' with momma on a hot Texas summer afternoon.

Pumpkin girl is 8 months old here--it was her first visit to Bucky & Nonni's house--in late October, when the leaves were starting to fall in North Carolina.

Fast forward a several months later to February--Tessa's FIRST birthday.  She puts a hurtin' on some strawberry cake.

Tess is about 18 months here.  We'd moved from San Antonio to Salt Lake City.  Here she is, modeling the infamous red shoes that Nonni bought her that summer.  I can't wait until Lucy fits into these kicks!

Our lil' monkey romping around at Gymboree.

Modeling a new outfit her Auntie Susie brought back from China.  Little did we know then that she'll have a little brother from China some day.

Hey...has anyone seen my blue Sharpie?

Toddler Tess is TWO!

Fast forward a few months to summer of 2009.  Tess is two and a half, veggin' out and eating popcorn.  We'd just moved (again)--this time to California, and we were renting a small apartment until we could move into our house.

Ocean Beach, San Francisco--Tessa's first trip to the Pacific.  It was cool and overcast on that July afternoon, but it didn't stop Tess from getting in the water!

A few months afternoon outing to Baskin Robbins after preschool.

And soon enough...Tess turns THREE!

And her favorite new hobby is dressing up like a beautiful princess.

And she becomes a BIG sister!!!

She enjoys more time on the Pacific Coast--Capistrano Beach--in April of 2010.  This trip was a bit solemn, as we prepared for Chris to leave for Afghanistan (aka "Ganistamp" in Tess language).  Tess had no idea what was about to much she'd miss her daddy in the months to come.  

She grows even bigger during those long summer months.

And becomes even more beautiful.

And now, it's the morning of February 17th, 2011, and she is FOUR!  She blows out her candles and enjoys a big pancake breakfast in her new Snow White ensemble from Auntie Susie.  

And I am ecstatic that she is FOUR today...not just because I love watching her grow and mature, but because this means that she isn't THREE anymore.  Three was hard...very hard.  I've determined that whoever coined the term "terrible two's" had obviously not yet experienced three.

The sweet birthday girl gets to enjoy strawberry cupcakes at school today with her classmates!  

And Daddy brings home a surprise bouquet of princess balloons for the birthday girl!

...and a "princess party" is going down this Saturday for the big girl!

We love you dear Tess. Your name means "harvester," and you have harvested much life for us. We love your inquisitive spirit, determination, creativity, imagination, whimsy, warmth, and sweet disposition. You have radically changed our lives for the better.    You are a precious gift from God.  Here's to FOUR awesome, intense, and unforgettable years with you, and Lord willing, many more to come.  


  1. Dear Goodness, I remember babysitting her and changing her dippers. I also remember that picture from her third birthday thinking that it was yesterday. Happy 4 Birthday sweet girl. I look forward to seeing the big grown up you soon.

  2. Oh so precious! This was a beautiful post to your beautiful princess. I loved remembering all the fabulous pictures and seeing more that I haven't seen. Wishing we were there to celebrate "4" with you all! Happy Birthday sweet Tessa! We love you.
