
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Literary Lucy

One of my favorite things about my littlest girl, Lu, is that she loves to read,

just like me,

and one of my favorite parts of the day is to read to her and her big sis.

Lu is not afraid to make her requests known. She crawls right on top of me, plants her diapered bum on my belly or my chest, whichever anatomical landscape offers the best view,

and starts to grunt, whine, scream, or repeat "boo" (aka book) until I succumb to her demands.

She likes princesses and Elmo right now, but I can already tell she's going to have good taste.  Just the other day, she pulled The Quotable C.S. Lewis and The Agony and the Ecstasy off my shelf.  Oh, Lucy, you make my heart swell,

even when you insist on sitting right on top of it.

I guess what they say is true...

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


  1. She's so cute. Wish I could meet her!

  2. loved "reading" this :)
    also loved the pictures of you reading to them.
