
Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today I was thinking about how many of life's truths are a paradox:

In order to save your life, you must lose it.

Gaining the whole world involves losing your soul.

Hoarding things you want makes you lose enjoyment of the very thing you're trying to possess.

Letting go of control often means that things work out better than if you'd tried to control them.

When people think they have perspective, it usually means they have no perspective, while those who realize how clueless they really are actually have perspective.

When you pour yourself out for others you feel whole.

When you put the Creator first then the blessings of His creation suddenly feel like abundant gifts, but if you put those blessings first, then they just feel empty and life feels hollow.

Giving your life to the hands of Another leads to the most amazing, exciting, lavish and satisfying life ever--a life far more abundant than you could ever dream of for yourself (though not without pain).

A comfortable life seems to make people miserable and unsatisfied.

Letting go and receiving somehow seem to always be connected.

I think it's funny how God made things this way. I think it shows how intricate and mysterious He is. Everything feels backwards sometimes. It boggles my mind. We try to fight these paradoxical truths daily, but they never change. We can and never will be able to provide for ourselves with ourselves and by ourselves. And I'm starting to think that that's a pretty cool thing. 

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