
Monday, March 28, 2011

Trial Run

Monday morning.  Weekend is over.  Back to the daily grind.

I guess I should do some laundry today.

My good friend Jami dropped her lil' guy Cole off at 7 a.m. this morning.  Jami lives just down the road and her hubby is in the Air Force too.  It's been a huge blessing to have them as neighbors.  Cole and Lucy are only 12 days apart and they are good buddies.  Cole is hangin' with us today, which = 
Me VS. FOUR kids (including the furry one).  
Three girls and one boy.  
This is good practice for when Warren comes home! 

Cole is awesome.  He's such a little stud.  

And he loves our CD cabinet.

While Cole peruses our CD collection, 
our poor, neglected dog Texanna gives me the eye.

Tex: You're not gonna walk me today are you woman?
Me: No, probably not, Tex.  Sorry.  Again.

Four year old sass-factor.

Miraculously, I managed to get the three human children fed, dressed, and loaded into the car so we could take Tess to school. I love this picture, because someday, our Ren boy will be sitting where Cole is.  I also love this photo because all three children are sucking their favorite fingers, which is a sweet sight, and also means that the car is quiet.  And finally, I love this photo because looking at it feels like I won a trophy.  Getting everyone ready and loaded into the car feels like a massive accomplishment that's worthy of a prize.

After we dropped Tess off, Cole, Lucy and I headed to the grocery store.  I never thought I'd have to use one of these carts before, but never say never.  Life never turns out the way you think it will.  I used to feel sorry for moms who had to use these carts in the grocery store, and now I'm turning into one of them.  Hmmm...funny how this grocery cart is pointing towards the wine section.


Today I'm thankful for good neighbors, friends, and sweet Cole, who is giving me trial runs before we bring our own boy home.  I'm thankful for heinously large shopping carts that allow me to restrain more than one child in a grocery store.  I'm thankful that life never happens the way you think it will, that God is full of surprises.  And, of course, I'm thankful for nap time and teatime.

Gotta go do some laundry now.


  1. Love this post, love you. and thank you for your words today via email, they made me very mindful of how much I enjoy the dynamic of our friendship.

    PS- I totally dig that Lucy is "driving" the cart while Cole is just chilling with his cookies. It is fun to watch baby personalities come out in small ways.

  2. ok...seriously...this may be my favorite post ever.

    Well, at least for today.

    Just read in aloud to Mark, Steve and Al as we sat on the three seasons porch drinking wine and eating cheese in an early celebration of Mark's 50th Birthday.

    We all laughed out loud!

  3. Love all your posts Lib, but especially this one. Every morning when I get the girls successfully loaded into the car, I breathe a big sigh of relief, and take my first big gulp of coffee :)

  4. I'm just relieved that someone else's laundry room looks like that. I am continually amazed at the amount of laundry a family of four can produce (particularly the children). Happy folding! :)

  5. Perfect. Can't wait til that's sweet RenBoy.
    CANNOT wait with you, my pal.

  6. Getting all those kiddoes ready and in the car IS worth a trophy! (o:

    I love that you said life never turns out the way you think it will. Sandra Bullock's character Lucy said something like that in my all time favorite movie, "While you were Sleeping." It's so true, and it's awesome that life never goes how we plan for it to.

    Smiling as I think about your little boy in your backseat soon.

  7. Good for you! It's a feat in itself just loading everyone up in the car much less going to the grocery store with them. You did both!
    For the record, I really despise those kid carts--all of them--the ones at Target I refuse to even use. The boys beg for the race car carts at HEB but often times they are all in use and I'm secretly sighing in relief. I just feed them raw tomatoes out of the carton to keep them quiet and get weird looks from people in the store. :)
    Looking forward to the day when your posts will include your own little boy!

  8. This is great! I thought I was doing well this morning to get TWO of mine in the car and to the pediatrician on time! Yes, I was wiping pancake crumbs off their faces as I was getting them out of the car, but we were there!

    I loved the part about the cart. I remember once at church, seeing a certain mother with little children literally climbing all over her and saying, "That is my personal nightmare." Yeah, life certainly doesn't turn out how we think it will. Usually I'm pretty glad about that!

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